Crochet: Knitting’s Party Cousin

Every family has one - that irrepressibly fun cousin who’s always the life of every party.

Lights, hooks, action!

While knitting is known for its classy comfort and sophisticated style, there's no denying that its louder, more eclectic crochet cousin knows how to party. With its ability to create a dazzling array of textures, colors and shapes, crochet has boogied its way into the limelight recently, crashing our little In Knit yarn party.  So, grab your hooks and join in as we explore the wilder side of fiber arts!

Imagine stumbling into the family reunion of yarn arts. At one table sits knitting - deeply engaged - donning an impeccably cabled cardigan and calculating the next row of stitches with laser-like focus while keeping its loops in line. And then there's crochet - mingling about - decked out in vibrant, technicolor granny squares, trying a new twist with every stitch and dancing with abandon, fringes flying, like disco never died.

While knitting exudes peace, crochet raises the roof. Give it just one hook and a twist of the wrist and, in a hot second, you’re on the crochet confetti fun train!

Furthermore, crocheting is wildly faster and more spontaneous. Like the conga line that erupts at the family reunion, it can go forward, backward and sideways, changing directions at will, creating impromptu masterpieces like ponchos, purses, blankets, hats - and all kinds of amigurumi (think cute little crochet animals and dolls).

So - next time you're debating which side of the fiber family to hang with, take stock of your mood. If it’s a slice of peace with a cup of cozy you seek, then pull up a fireplace and sink into a comfy chair alongside knitting. But if a little dopamine hit with a creativity cocktail is what you crave, knitting's life-of-the-party cousin is just one hook and disco ball away. Fair warning though:  once you start crocheting, you might get “hooked” for awhile.

I blame my new crochet addiction on Julie*, our fabulous crochet teacher. Thank you Julie! No worries though. We haven’t abandoned our beloved knitting. It’ll be patiently waiting for us with a warm hug when we’re released from crochet rehab.

Knit and Crochet on with Joy dear maker-peeps!

“For all the love and people you put In Knit - and Crochet too”


***Note: Julie is a gem and an expert crocheter (and knitter too) in my In Knit For Love Community Group who recently taught us all how to crochet




Ode to The Granny Square